mldonkey-next: modern client for mldonkey

mldonkey-next was born as a new client for the mldonkey core. It is written as an Angular webapp. It is bundled into:

  • docker-mldonkey: a docker container providing both the mldonkey core and mldonkey-next;
  • mldonkey Android app: a native Android app;
  • mldonkey AppImage: a native Linux app.

The project grew a bit more than intended, and now includes multiple projects:

  • docker-mldonkey: docker image containing a patched version of the mldonkey core. This includes patches that allows the mldonkey-next webapp to show more info.
  • mldonkey fork: some changes to the mldonkey core were needed. I keep upstreaming my patches, but the official mldonkey project is pretty slow.
  • mldonkey-next: the webapp and the native wrappers.

For more info refer to these posts.


v0.1.0First version including the views with the current downlods, the search and the system info.
v0.1.1Improved UI for the native apps.
v0.2.0Added the stats view.
v0.3.0Fixed how empty passwords are handled.
UI imprevements.
v0.4.0Try to reconnect to the core when connection is lost.
Updated Qt to version 6.8.1.
v0.4.1Updated Angular to version 19 and other webapp deps.
v0.4.2Changed behavior of the sidenav.
v0.5.0Added about dialog.
v0.5.1Improved about dialog.
v0.6.0Fixes to the UI.
Moved controls in the download view to a menu.
Added a new filter for the download table.
v0.7.0Improved the filter in the download view.
Updated dependencies.
Added new charts showing the current bandwidth use. This requires a patched version of the mldonkey core (see docker-mldonkey in docker hub).
v0.8.0Added help page.
Improved charts.
Added console.
v0.9.0Added server list.
v0.10.0Added curl server info.