ED2K-upload complete chunks
From MLDonkey
If true, each client is allowed to complete exactly only one chunk every upload session, independently if it is empty or partial.
MLdonkey try to send exactly the amount of data needed to complete one chunk during an upload session, even if a partial one is requested, then the upload slot is removed unless pending slots are empty.
This setting overrides ED2K-upload_full_chunks and ED2K-dynamic_upload_lifetime, but is, as a failsafe, limited by ED2K-upload_lifetime, that should be set reasonable high.
Default value
ED2K-upload_complete_chunks is false.
See also
dynamic_slots, ED2K-dynamic_upload_lifetime, max_upload_slots, nolimit_ips, ED2K-upload_full_chunks, ED2K-upload_lifetime
- about current upload full chunks patch, 2006-12-12