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File Propagation

$dict propagation

From WordNet (r) 1.7 ~[[wn]] propagation
    n 1: the spreading of something (a belief or practice) into new regions ~[[syn: {extension}]]
    2: the act of propagating ~[[syn: {generation}, {multiplication}]]
    3: the movement of a wave through a medium

What hurts File Propagation?


_-- TooManySources is not the problem, as you said it doesn't change anything for rare files. What's missing is some file balancing in the upload mechanisms_

I say that the problem is that the number of filerequests is not proprtional to the number of users. If you have 1000 users and add 1 that means 1000 new filerequests from that user (1 for each source) and 1000 new filerequests from the other users. So the network that got 1 more source got 2000 new filerequests. For a rare file of e.g. 20, the same thing would be 40 new filerequests for 1 new source.

But yes, a solution could be upload balancing.

How about making upload proportional to popularity/availability on a per chunk basis? This way if you're one of the few with a rare chunk for a popular file you will make sure it gets spread. (I dunno how good you can control which chunk to be uploaded though). I also mean that this should be independent from the individual files. A rare chunk in a very available file is still rare as just as important as a rare chunk in a rare file. (It is probably more important even since it's more likely to be wanted.) /Vaste


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