_Someone wrote another page for those informations, he certainly missed that one. Since his version is much better, I'm afraid we'll have to keep it ;)_
_Check WhatFirewallPortsToOpen_
Used Ports
summary, for basic operation, you should open:
- incoming to tcp port 4662 traffic (file transfer)
- incoming to udp port 4666 (searches and MLDonkey source propagation)
- incoming to tcp overnet_port (file transfer)
- incoming to udp overnet_port (searches)
You should use the same overnet_port for tcp and udp, look in MLdonkey's options (or open downloads.ini) to find the number. see IniFiles.
Or in other words:
- tcp = 4662 (depends on your settings)
- udp
tcp + 4
- tcp = 6666 (depends on your settings)
- udp
6666 (depends on your settings)
bittorrent: 6882 (default) or \"BT-client_port\" - Remote clients can use whatever port they want.
fasttrack: 1214 (default) or \"FT-client_port\"
gnutella: 6346 (default) or \"GNUT-client_port\"
soulseek: 2242 and 2234 ?
opennap: 9999 ?
directconnect: 4444 ?
You shouldn't use linux's stateful with p2p connection (see [Forums&file
2c1d045147847071c9d64462b92ef6e4 Original Forum Thread])
Note about TCP flags:
Some firewall allow you to control the TCP flags you allow. Do not forget to allow:
- edonkey tcp 4662: SYN flag
how-tos for different firewalls
- IPTables
- PacketFilter/NAT
See also