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_( i wrote this from a user, not a developer standpoint, so some descriptions, especially source->state, may be inaccurate. correct as needed. /sarefo)_


Downloads Tab

The downloads tab consists mainly of three parts:

Running Downloads


Shows the 'best available' name of the downloading file by default. if you want to save the file under a different name, use \"Save\" (Right-click menu). Then the selected name will be displayed here.


the MD4 of the file.


the complete size of the file you are downloading. you can change the kind of size display (human readable/bytes) in the options.


the absolute amount of the file that you already downloaded.


the relative amount of the file that you already downloaded.


_Downloading_*: Means only that MLdonkey is _trying_ to download this file. it will seek sources and that kind of stuff. _Paused_*: the download is in your list, but MLdonkey is ignoring it when looking for peers that you can download from. _Queued_*: You have more files selected for download than your max_concurrent_downloads variable is set to, the file is queued for download. Either increase your max_concurrent_downloads variable or wait for other files to finish.


relative amount of the file that is present in the net to you at the moment. Changes its meaning according to Settings - GUI - Misc - User relative % availability.


Download Rate (kilobyte/second)


gives some info about the file format, if possible. for example, for AVI it gives you <codec>, <dimension>, <frames per second>, <bytes per frame>


What kind of network the file is on. Only relevant if you also connect to non-donkey nets (soulseek, ...).


When you started to download the file. expressed in hours:min:sec, or in days.

Last Seen

How long ago your client last saw the complete file on the net. expressed in hours:min:sec, or in days.


Estimated Time of Arrival: how long it _would_ take if your current rate of download would last till the file is complete - _\"a man can dream though, a man can dream\" (professor farnsworth)_

Completed Downloads

Displays the files that are completely downloaded. columns are the same as above. to actually move these files into your incoming directory, you need to commit them (press save, for example). but you can change the name, or edit the mp3 tags before that.


Here the sources that are known to you for the selected download to the left are displayed. Possible Columns:


the name of the source's client.


_Queued_*: You are waiting for the source giving you a rank. _Ranked_*: You have a rank in the sources queue. Don't be too afraid of high numbers, many other peers will fall out of the queue before you. _Downloading_*: You are downloading from the source. _Black Listed_*: See black_list. _Queued Out / Ranked <n> Out_*: _Taros666, in the forum_: you connected to a source, it gave you a queue-rank, and you disconnected from that source (you will try again later). And it does NOT mean that you loose your queues rank! (if you reconnect within 30min)




What kind of network the source is on. Only relevant if you also connect to non-donkey nets (soulseek, ...).


Beats me. All i found out. always says 'Y' in 2.02.21, except if one source is added to 'friends', then it says 'Friend'. According to the source code, there is also a state 'contact' that prints \"Browse\", but i have no idea what it means.

Below that the files of the client that you want are shown. Each of the chunks for the files are represented by color coded vertical bars. Dark green(which can look black) means that you have the chunk and so does the source, light green that the source has this chunk but you don't, light red that neither of you have the chunk, and finally dark red for chunks that you have, but the source does not.

Between \"Running Downloads\" and \"Completed Downloads\" you can see what chunks of the file marked in \"Running Downloads\" are in what state. The color-codes are: green: chunk downloaded - red: chunk unavailable at the moment - dark blue: chunk available (height of the blue bar shows with how many sources) - light blue: chunk only available from queued out / ranked out sources.

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