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Describe GtkUiServersTab here.

_(This is work in progress, i will complete it soon, no gurantees. Please correct typos etc., english is only my second language)_

 (Don't worry, I fixed some of it for you.)


The Servers tab

The Servers tab consists of 3 major areas

The Servers-area


Remove the selected server from the list of known servers. It may be readded through server discovery.


Connect to the selected server. Must be in \"all servers\" mode to be useful.


Disconnect from the selected server. It may be automatically reconnected during server-walking or a master-server search.

View users-button

View the users of this server. Seems not to work on some servers/users.

More servers-button

Search for more servers. Not often used, the server list is automatically maintained by the core.


Remove old servers (see option max_server_age).

View all-button

View all servers, instead of only the connected/connecting ones. Can be quite a long list. Press again to see conneted/connecting servers only.

Add server-button

Manually add a server to the list if you know its IP address and port.


The IP address and port number of the server.


The state of the server.


The total number of users on this server.


The total number of files shared by the users on this server.


The name and any additional information about this server.

The Users-area

Add to friends-button

Add the selected user of the selected server to your friends-list (see Friends-tab).


The client-names of the users on this server. May be empty due to server-configuration.

The Queries-area

_(This one is very complex, I will only describe \"Complex search\")_


Minsize/Maxsize-fields (optional)

The minimum and maximum sizes for the file to appear in the results. Choose the unit in the small fields to the right. It is in Octets (Bytes), so \"Ko\" means kilobyte \"Mo\" means megabyte. If not specified the size is in bytes.

Media-selector (optional)

The media-type of the file you are looking for. Choose from the list. Be aware that a file may be classified as the wrong media, so only use this when your search finds too many files.

Format-selector (optional)

The format of the media. Can be used to further narrow the search.

Artist/Album/Title/Min.-Bitrate-fields (optional)

Used when searching for MediaAudio and FormatMP3. Should be self-explanatory.


Select to which networks the search-request should be send. May be used to speed up download of the files found (networks are of different speed when it comes to downloading). This may change very soon when MLDonkey can download from all sources simultaniously. It does not hurt to leave it on \"All networks.\"

Max Hits-field (optional)

Limits the number of returned files (does not work as in 2.5.3, you can still get more)


Send the query to the selected networks


Send the query to the selected networks and \"keep it in mind.\" During the server-walking period of MLDonkey, the client will make connections to new/other servers. When this happens it will ask the new servers for all subscribed queries. To use this do not close the tab of this search in the result-tab of the GUI, even if it is empty in the beginning. Patience is of essence... _I thought this feature was specific to MLdonkey servers ?... /Pango_

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