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Format Description

Stream Tag : OGG Stream Tags

Int8 Tag Type
Variable (see below) Tag value

The tag value depends on tag type. Each tag name and value type can be found on the following table.

Tag type Tag name Value type Comments
0 Codec String
1 Bits per samples Int32
2 Duration Int32
3 Has subtitle Int32
4 Has index Int32
5 Audio channels Int32
6 Audio sample rate Float
7 Audio block align Int32
8 Audio average bytes per second Float
9 Vorbis version Float
10 Vorbis sample rate Float
11 Vorbis bit rates List of (Int8, Float) for Int8: 0=Maximum_br, 1=Nominal_br, 2=Minimum_br
12 Vorbis block size 0 Int32
13 Vorbis block size 1 Int32
14 Video width Float
15 Video height Float
16 Video sample rate Float
17 Video aspect ratio Float
18 Theora CS Int8 0=CSUndefined, 1=CSRec470M, 2=CSRec470BG
19 Theora quality Int32
20 Theora average bytes per second Int32
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