Gui FR

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Technical background

Unlike most P2P clients, such as eDonkey2000, MLdonkey application does not contain user interface; it's merely a P2P engine built for exchanging files, and interaction with the user is left to the UserInterfaces_FR. Albeit it might seem to be inconvenient at the first glance, such an open architecture actually provides great flexibility, allowing third parties to implement and customize the way MLdonkey's status displays look to the end user.

Another benefit of having core separated from the user interface is remote manageability. It doesn't make any difference whether the core and the interface part are running on the same computer or on two boxes half the world apart, or even what operating system do these machines run. This architecture allows you to go on vacation without losing control over the whole download process, taking a peek at what's going on back at home by the means of a web browser||WebUI, |TelnetUI or even WAP-enabled cellphone.

Yet another way to monitor the progress of your downloads is by utilizing one of numerous MLdonkey Guis. While it lacks the universality (you'll have to install the program on the computer you're going to perform the monitoring from), it's so far the prettiest looking one.

MLdonkey Gui clients

Test tableau

Liste des interface graphique
Nom Connection Langage Démarrer/arrêter Chat Multi Language Théme Version actuelle OS
Sancho GUI-Protocol Java yes yes yes no 0.9.4-58 Linux/Unix/Mac/Windows
MLdonkeyGtkUi Gtk+ 2.8.6
WebUI HTTP OCaml non/oui non non non oui toutes plateformes
CocoDonkey Telnet Cocoa oui non non non 0.25 Mac
mlMac GUI-Protocol Cocoa oui non oui non 0.7.5 Mac

Feature List

Sancho/MLdonkeyGtkUi WebUI CocoDonkey mlMac MLdonkeyWatch phpEselGui Alemula saman JMoule Web-GMUI
Connection GUI-Protocol HTTP Telnet GUI-Protocol GUI-Protocol Telnet ? Telnet GUI-Protocol Telnet
Prog. Language Java OCaml ? Cocoa Cocoa PHP ? PHP Java PHP
Launch/Kill core yes no/yes yes yes no/yes no/yes ? no/yes no yes
Charts no no yes no yes yes ? no no no
Chat yes (a) no no no yes no ? no no no
Multi Language yes no no yes no no ? yes no yes
Customize no no no no no yes ? yes yes yes
Latest Release 05.06/? ? ? ? ? ? 04.03 05.03 ? 12.05
Linux/Unix yes yes no (d) no (d) no (b) yes (b) yes yes yes yes
Windows yes (c) yes no no yes yes ? yes yes ?
MacOSX yes (e) yes yes yes no no ? yes yes ?

(a) irc, yahoo
(b) works with wine
(c) avaiable at
(d) may work with GNUstep
(e) needs the x11 environment

_Please help to fill the gaps or add new features. Please use TABs and not spaces to keep the table editable. Thanks, luculus_

_Some of the above entries for mlMac seem incorrect. mlmac runs on Mac OS X, launches the core on start, kills core on quit (or you can leave it running)._

The phpEselGUI connects to the core on the telnet port (4000) and parses the output of the telnet session to get the necessary information. _(is this still true? ... Yes, it is true, we are thinking to change)_

The other GUIs connect to the GUI port (4001) and talk to the core using the GuiProtocol.

Using the telnet approach might seem to be an easier task than implementing the GuiProtocol at first, but it can get quite tedious to maintain the code when the telnet output changes across versions.

LanguagesEnglish  • Français

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