Max hard upload rate

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max_hard_upload_rate determines the combined maximal rate (in kB/s) at which your client sends data out. That includes both control and data packets, for both peers and servers.

The value of max_hard_upload_rate must be a positive integer; the value of 0 denotes no limit.

Keeping max_hard_upload_rate high has its benefits; many eDonkey peers will reward you for giving out more data; you may advance on their queues faster, receive greater portions of their bandwidth for downloads. etc.

On the other hand, if you use an asymmetric link such as DSL, you should keep max_hard_upload_rate low enough to not use up the whole upstream bandwidth; otherwise certain unwanted effects can occur. For instance, some servers perform port verification of your client by sending a connection request and expecting a response within a certain period of time; if your upstream is all clogged with excessive amounts of data being transmitted, such response may never make it to the server; as a result, you will often receive LowIDs. Similar problems may arise with TCP control messages or UDP packets being lost due to usptream saturation.

Default value

Default value for max_hard_upload_rate is 0 (no limit)


This option is stored in downloads.ini


> set max_hard_upload_rate 10

See also

max_hard_download_rate, strict_bandwidth, TrafficShaping


Most eDonkey clients did not allow you to set the max_hard_download_rate higher than 4 times the max_hard_upload_rate if it was smaller than 10k/s. You should at least respect that.

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