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Information about how to manage the serverlist(s) in MLDonkey.



There are several ways to add an eDonkey server to the MLDonkey serverlist:

Blocked servers

MLDonkey makes use of an IP blocklist, built from the guarding.p2p web_infos entries. If a server appears on the composite blocklist, its status is displayed as "IP blocked".

This does not mean the server blocked that particular MLDonkey client, but that the client is refusing to talk to the server. You can't connect to a blocked server unless you deactivate the blocklist.

Don't deactivate the block unless you are quite certain you know what you're doing; it's probably there for a reason. Most likely the blocked server is reporting fake search results or fake source information; or it could be operated and used for sinister purposes by the digital restriction maffia.

To get rid of these servers from the serverlist use the rem command: rem blocked.

Best practices for serverlist management


do the following:

  1. Set ED2K-update_server_list_client to false to prevent getting fake servers from other clients: set ED2K-update_server_list_client false.
  2. Set ED2K-update_server_list_server to false to prevent getting fake servers from servers: set ED2K-update_server_list_server false.
  3. Make sure ED2K-update_server_list_server_met is true so that you receive the addresses of new servers that appear in the server.met file(s) you download via web_infos: set ED2K-update_server_list_server_met true.
  4. Add as a server.met URL with an update period of 12+ hours using e.g. the following urladd command: urladd server.met 36.
  5. Remove all other server.met URLs that appear in the output of the vwi command using urlremove.
  6. Remove all servers from your serverlist: rem all.
  7. Force a web_infos server.met update: force_web_infos server.met.
    • This only works with MLDonkey versions no earlier than 2.8.3;
    • for earlier versions down to and including 2.7.7 just use force_web_infos to re-download all web_infos;
    • for even earlier versions, restart the core, and consider upgrading.

This should re-initialize your ed2k serverlist with a sane list of servers. Note that there currently is no compelling need to change the above settings.

Here are the commands again for easy cut'n'pasting into a recent MLDonkey version (but don't forget to urlremove all server.met URLs from the vwi output first):

set ED2K-update_server_list_client false
set ED2K-update_server_list_server false
set ED2K-update_server_list_server_met true
urladd server.met 36
rem all
force_web_infos server.met

Another valuable server.met link is: HTTP://WWW.PEERATES.NET/SERVERS.PHP

urladd server.met HTTP://WWW.PEERATES.NET/SERVERS.PHP 36

Direct connect

  1. add hublist url to web_infos (default one is already there)
  2. dc command opens main DC management page
  3. open dc->hublist and choose the hubs you like (press 'add' to add them to the global list of servers)
  4. alternatively add the hub manually with dcn ip port command

also see DirectConnect


Works without servers. Use .torrent files to start a download. These files store data about the needed trackers.



As of late 2007, Gnutella support in MLDonkey is next to useless as it doesn't support UDP Host Caches (UHC). See for a discussion.

While it's possible to get connected to Gnutella using MLDonkey, it's highly unlikely that you'd be able to download or upload anything.

Patches welcome.


Largely the same applies to Gnutella2 as well, unfortunately.

Patches welcome.

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