From MLDonkey
A common source is converted into an EDK client here:
DonkeySources.functions.DonkeySources.function_connect <- (fun s_uid -> try match s_uid with Direct_address _ -> let c = new_client s_uid in reconnect_client c | Invalid_address _ -> () | Indirect_address (server_ip, server_port, id, port, real_ip) -> if Ip.reachable server_ip then query_id server_ip server_port id; with e -> if !verbose then lprintf_nl "connect_source: exception %s" (Printexc2.to_string e) );
Why does printing sources in a user interface create clients from sources?
Could this be the reason why so many sources with MD4 = 000000000000 are printed?
file_ops.op_file_print_sources <- (fun file o -> if not (use_html_mods o) then raise Not_found; let buf = o.conn_buf in let sources_list = ref [] in DonkeySources.iter_relevant_sources (fun s -> let s_uid = s.DonkeySources.source_uid in let c = new_client s_uid in sources_list := (s,c) :: !sources_list ) file.file_sources;