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Quote from the man page:

ulimit [[-acdfHlmnpsSt]] [[value]]
             Display or set process limits.  If no options are used, the file
             size limit (-f) is assumed.  value, if specified, may be either
             an arithmetic expression or the word ``unlimited''. The limits
             affect the shell and any processes created by the shell after a
             limit is imposed.  Note that some systems may not allow limits to
             be increased once they are set.  Also note that the types of lim-
             its available are system dependent -- some systems have only the
             -f limit.

So, what is important to you is:

ulimit -a

Displays all limits for the current user

ulimit -n

Display the max filedescriptors set on your system for the current user

ulimit -n int

If you have a problem like this:

Fatal error: exception Sys_error(\"./mlsubmit.reg: Too many files\")

A problem when mldonkey on OpenBSD has a lot of files?

I dont know, but for solve the problem type a thing as this:

ulimit -n 800

Is an example, you can change the value, if you still have the problems ( i dont think ) could probe making bigger the name

With this now runs ok, but only when is executed by hand, still crashing with daemon tools, i dont know how make this with daemon tools UsingDaemonTools.

Sets int as the value of the max filedescriptors for the current user Remark that there is still a limit, you will probably not be able to set this to a high value before adding a line to /etc/sysctl.conf

NOTE: ulimit is 'per process' not a system wide setting, so it must be executed before starting the core. ( thanks pango )

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