WhereToStoreDownloadingFiles RU

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Где хранить скачанные файлы. Как расшаривать файлы.

В зависимости от, того, что вы хотите, вы должны решить где будут лежать ваши файлы.


Эту страницу локализуют.

Она ещё не до конца переведена. помогите переводу, поучаствуйте.

Чистая структура каталогов

Если вы хотите держать ваши файлы в определённом порядке(разложенными по определённым папкам), вы можете добавить дополнительные каталоги с подкаталогами. Примером такой структуры, будет следующий пример:


чтобы расшарить каталог ~MyStuff используйте команду:

[[share]] 0 \"~MyStuff\"

Также проверьте чтобы параметр "стратегия расшаривания по умолчанию" \"default_sharing_strategy\" был установлен в "шарить все файлы" \"all_files\" , это позволит расшаривать не только сам каталог, но и все его подкаталоги с файлами, найти эти параметры вы можете в файле downloads.ini в папке настроек программы.

Также вы можете отредактировать файл downloads.ini, добавив туда секцию shared_directories между(квадратных) ~[[]] скобочек:

  {     dirname = \"~MyStuff\"
     networks = [[]]
     strategy = all_files
     priority = 0

Затем вы можете переместить файлы в эти поддиректории (подкаталоги) и выполнить команду \"reshare\" в консоли (в том числе через вэб-интерфейс) и MLdonkey узнает о появлении новых файлов.

Таким образом вы сможете сохранять нужный порядок(структуру) ваших файлов и при этом они будут доступны по сети в вашей шаре(share).

Speed priority

Download files directly to a fat32 partition

Reiserfs and ext3 don't really create 700MB files if you start a new download so if you download many files at the same time they get fragmented a lot. I could store my movies only with 4x to a CD because the HD was so fragmented with reiserfs that it was too slow for my faster CD-writer (48x)

_-- Since 2.02-10, MLdonkey allocates disk space by full chunks to lower fragmentation. /Pango_

Space priority

Download files to an ext3 partition

_e.g._ If you use mldonkey on a separate box (e.g. your router) with limited space available, you can start files w/o having the complete space available yet and transfer your completed files via network to your workstation / burning box to make room on your 'download box'.
On a 10MBit network the loss in speed doesn't matter.

Both Speed and Space

mount a bsd file system (ffs) wich is practically immune to fragmentation, if you have that option. a good idea is to use the softdep flag.

stats from my openbsd mldonkey disk:

bash# fsck -fv /dev/raid2a
start /dev/raid2a wait fsck_ffs -f /dev/rraid2a
'''''' Last Mounted on /export/site/incoming
63 files, 14840505 used, 1153407 free (39 frags, 144171 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation)

cheers /kokamomi

ps. if someone like to try mounting ffs on linux have a look at this thread: http://cwrulug.cwru.edu/archive/cwrulug/200002/0197.html and please report back. don't have linux myself, i'm afraid.

_-- Another option which is included in linux out of the box is to download to an XFS formatted partition. XFS is very fast, is included in recent kernels and provides a defragmentation tool called xfs_fsr which works online, so you don't have to umount the partition prior to defragmentation. You could start xfs_fsr by cron at morning time and the behaviour of xfs_fsr is quite cron friendly. Debian includes xfs_fsr in the xfsdump package. Of course this is not as elegant as ffs in respect to fragmentation, but it is a stable and well know fs on linux. /boligrafo_


use the file_completed_cmd option (a command that is called when a file is completely downloaded. Arguments are: <file_name on disk> <md4-hash> <size>), to launch a script that moves completed <file_name on disk> to another partition, such as a FAT32 partition. Just moving it should be enough to loose the fragmentation. anybody?

_Good idea, but having temp and incoming directories on separate filesystems should be enough. The only known drawback is that commiting will take some time, and MLdonkey will block until it's finished... /Pango_

_...which means you should \"./configure --enable-pthread=-pthread\" before compiling. See CompilationProblems for details._

_As far as I know that file copying is not threaded, did you check your information ?_

I used to simply run a cronjob that copied the files * from one folder to another. Worked fine and is simple.

One good idea, in case you have more than one hard disk, is to have the temp directory in one disk and the incoming (or anywhere else you move your completed files to) in the other one, that way the copy is much faster and (in my opinion) is better for the hard disk too.

See also:

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