Client stats
From MLDonkey
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~> client_stats
gives some summarized info about clients (total up/download, seen peers), broken down by client brand (edonkey, mldonkey, emule,...).
this is the old stats output. the new cs gives results that are much more readable. _- but since client_stats fields aren't preprocessed, and the output format simpler, it may be more suitable for further scripting -- pango_
_output format:_
Uptime: total seconds (<days>+<hours>:<minutes>) Successful Connections:%%% <client-brand>: <number of peers> (% of total successful connections) Total filerequests received:%%% <client-brand>: <nr. of requests> (% of total requests) Total downloads: <bytes>%%% <client-brand>: <bytes> (% of total download) Total uploads: <bytes>%%% <client-brand>: <bytes> (% of total upload) Total banneds: <number of peers>%%% <client-brand>: <number of peers> (% of total 'banned' peers)
the following items are in the output: eDonkey, Overnet, NewMldonkey, OldMldonkey, NewEmule, OldEmule, TrustedMldonkey.
in some versions, the banned percentage means percent of total peers (also the ones that are not banned).
in unstable-2-02-8: FIX: seens in stats replaced by successful connections
See also
HowManyDonkeys are out there?