From MLDonkey
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~> cs
Prints out connection stats sorted by different client brand (mldonkey, edonkey, emule, ...) in a pretty table format:
Uptime: total seconds (<days>+<hours>:<minutes>)
Client|| seen || Downloads || Uploads || Banned --------------+---------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------------- <client-brand>||<nr of peers> %||<Mbyte> <mean kb/sec> %||<Mbyte> <mean kb/sec> %||<banned peers> %
The incomplete list of clients recognised: eDonkey, NewMldonkey, Overnet, OldMldonkey, NewEmule, OldEmule, TrustedMldonkey.
See also
client_stats, csm, HowManyDonkeys are out there?
This command is a newer version of client_stats, which prints the same data in a less readable way. However, client_stats is still there for compatibility, since its output is easier for automated parsing.