Max opened connections

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Is the number of the file descriptors that the MLdonkey core process is allowed to open for sockets (not local disk files).

Since rejecting incoming connections can have bad side effects (mainly getting LowID from servers), they're not limited by that setting. See max_indirect_connections if you really want to limit those.
_Not sure I understand that limitation. Maybe the number of simultaneous lowID connections /CamaradeTux_ The LowID happenss when the opened connections limit has been reached by mldonkey and the server tries to open a new connection to your client. If you are connected to only one/a few server(s) at a time and don't change, you won't get any lowID because there will be no connection to any source before mldonkey connects to at leat one server. (Eventually, if you got more friends, that are really connected, than the value in max_opened-connections, it is possible that you get lowID, since mldonkey will contact them at startup.) If you deserve a HighID but sometimes don't get it, see force_high_id

The default was usually 924 (default usually 1024 file descriptors per process allowed depending of the operating system, less 100 file descriptors reserved for other uses, like local files), but should be much lower in recent versions (around 200), since some reports indicate that lower values gives better results for most users.

Very low values (=30) do not seem to alter download rate for some users (and even might give better results). (must be confirmed) I confirme that low values, under 80 are good. But very low values do alter download speed : you got 30 connections max. 1 server connected and on average 1 guy uploads at 2 : max download rate will be 58. Oh, I forgot (did I ?) guys in uploaders list : 5 upload slots and you are down to 48Ko/s. But you also need to find new sources and maybe that you are using Overnet, so you are conected to more servers...... In the end, very low values are good when you got a few files with a few sources.

The reason why it can be good is that many personnal hardware routers can't handle efficiently too many opened connections more than a few minutes (5 min), then they will suck and give bad transfert rates, some would even totally bug and would need a hard reboot. You can think about lower values, but remember it has to be higher than max_indirect_connections. One advantage is that it \"could run under windows 98\". To do that, you will need very low values around 30, I think.

From HighTime on the forum: an Alcatel Speed Touch Home modem converted as a Pro won't handle more than 250 connetions at the same time.

Linux boxes used as modems (is it possible with cable or ADSL ?) don't seem to be limited to a certain number of simultaneous connections.

(required: find good values of max_opened_connections, max_clients_per_second, depending on available bandwidth and hardware)


Show the number of currently used file descriptors

Linux (using lsof)

$ lsof -c mlnet -n

Linux (manually thru /proc)

1. > ps aux | grep mlnet

you see a line like this

root 14157 10.4 6.8 18908 17608 tty4 R Feb01 355:46 ./mlnet

the process is 14157

(Caution when using threads, you may find several mlnet running. Pick any one, they share the same connections.)


2. > cd /proc/14157/fd

If you make a

3. > ls -l | wc -l

it returns you a number of file descriptor process open now (wc -l counts the numbers of lines)

you can also have a more accurate number by counting only the sockets file descriptor with a

3. (bis) > ls -l | grep socket:\~[[~[0-9]]\\+\]\$ | wc -l


1. > fstat | grep -c mlnet


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