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(answers in no particular order, read them all)

This can happen if you have too big servers list with weird servers on it.
Use command "rem all" to remove all servers.

Lower max_concurrent_downloads to avoid being blacklisted by servers.

It seems that for acessing the eDonkey servers setting max_concurrent_downloads to 30 files seems best. Of course Overnet and Kad do not care, so you may find that the default 60 works fine.

Lugdunum servers will ban you, too, if you try to connect again and again in a short interval even if the server already denied you.

Lugdunum servers have a quota of LowID peers. If you have a low ID, fixing that problem will help connecting much more easily. If it cannot be fixed (you're behind some NAT you have no control over,...) be sure that force_high_id is not enabled.

Try to increase max_opened_connections or max_indirect_connections options, this can help.

\"I had problems too but they are solved. You must:

  1. not have \"nolistsrvs\" in your name *
  2. server_connection_timeout is often set too small if you want to connect to newer Lugdunum servers. Increase it to 15-30. *
  3. master_server_min_users low (I use 50)
  4. connected_server_timeout high (I use 3600)
  5. protocol_version 61

\"*\" items being most important.\" (~KenBradshaw, in mldonkeyworld forums, modified)

_More sane default values are now used by MLdonkey, so this entry is mainly here for historical reasons._

\"Weeks ago, my provider gave me a dyn. address, which ended with '0' ( With this address, I was able to surf the web normally, however, mldonkey was absolutely dead. Today I got an address, which ended with '255' ( Same result.\" _/[Forums&fileviewtopic&t=1182 Tanuki]_ %%% _(BTW, I'm not sure if it's a bug of mldonkey, or a bug of other clients, or else) /Pango_

Short answer: It's an IP thing. All IP octets with \"255\" or \"0\" are normally thrown away when they cross political boundaries (from one network to another). If you are surfing, it's because the ISP is doing something else (such as running a proxy cache/server).

Long answer: This is because x.x.x.255 and x.x.x.0 are considered broadcast addresses. For instance, if you want to broadcast to your entire subnet on a Class D network (yeah, I realize that the old Class A/B/C/D stuff doesn't exist anymore due to lack of IP addresses), you would broadcast a packet to #.#.#.0 or #.#.#.255 for your entire subnet. This stuff is all set up in the same level of your software as say the loopback port (

For security reasons (among other things), most routers delete ALL broadcast packets and do not pass them on outside their own subnet.

So #.#.#.0 or #.#.#.255 is not considered a valid address outside of your ISP. If you can surf the web normally, the provider is doing some sort of address translation, such as a (transparent) proxy web cache/server.

The above is not correct. An address ending with .0 is a valid address, and must not be considered as a broadcast address without the corresponding mask.

Check that your computer clock is correct. If the clock \"jumps backward\", while MLdonkey is running or not, MLdonkey may simply be waiting for the computed time to try connecting to servers again... _Reported on IRC_

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