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MLDonkey - 开源的eDonkey客户端软件



Mldonkey项目2002年1月开始开发[1],2002年2月19被归属到非gun子工程的开源软件开发组织: 项目由工作INRIAFabrice Le FessantSimon Patarin创办,目的为了探索Ocaml语言的性能.

许多面向函数语言的设计者都有一个梦想:找到一个不用符号设计程序( compilers, theorem provers, DSLs )有力的应用程序. 这个应用程序可以使函数语言在开源区广泛传播。一年前,我们处理过这个问题,并决定使用Objective-Caml在点对点系统正在兴起的世界里编写一个网络应用程序。我们的劳动成果MLdonkey超出了我们的期望: MLdonkey在著名的freshmeat.net网站是当前最受欢迎的点对点文件共享客户端。 每天大约有10,000用户。然而MLdonkey只能联接几个点对点网络下载和共享文件。MLdonkey是一个daemon, 以后台的形式运行而且能使用三种不同的界面对其进行选种控制。我们将在本文提出从MLdonkey的设计和实现中汲取的教训

最初是想把MLDonkey做成一个在UnixLinux下运行的eDonkey2000.原始客户端在Unix和Linux下不能很好地得到运行.从第二版发行后, MLdonkey开发可以访问其它的网络协议.(见另可支持的网络),最有名的是the eDonkey2000 offspring Overnet.


第一个争论是关于服务器。 MLDonkey采用同时联接几个服务器,因此大大提高了搜索的效率。 当服务器相对比较小而且被吃死的时候(主要是被bots), 用户太多而服务器太少,这就需要的解决方案。

几个服务器就会全并成一个整体来运行. 第二是某些自命不凡的服务器管理员对他们服务器的用户的数量赿来赿感趣而不是网络的效率。这就意味着一个联接着一个以上服务器的客户端对用户内部的 \"high score\"竞争是一个威胁。




Later on, as MetaMachine turned all their efforts into creating the [[2]] was developed from xMule source code and most of their developers, which is listed on eMule homepage as the eMule for linux right now. With eMule Overnet, another eDonkey client emerged: eMule. This was the result of popular demand from users to provide (a) nice graphics and (b) balanced of upload and download. It runs only on Windows. An eMule port to linux was created |, available on Sourceforge, which later was forked to |, and then aMule came the total surrender of the term \"file sharing\" per se, in favor of ultra liberal demands to convert the network to a file trading model, using a currency of credits, complicated queue systems, and internal preference. The credit system in eMule is no longer mandatory as of release 0.28a. eMule's biggest deficiency is that it cannot be used with a remote GUI, making it impractical for use on a server machine. However the last eMule and aMule versions have implemented a web-interface making it possible to remotely control basic search/download/preferences functions. aMule has also implemented a GUI/Core separation but the standalone remote GUI is quite in initial stage of development and implements basic functions. At the moment MLdonkey is the only one providing deep remote control of the core thanks to the web-interface and various GUIs.


Late development is that the official client now seems to adapt MLDonkey's concept of also connecting to the Overnet. Although MetaMachine has been labeling MLDonkey a_rogue client over this, it chooses to call their own offspring_hybrid vigor. My paranoid explanation of this is that the growth rate of the Overnet does not please MetaMachine, nor does it honor its business idea, so in the meanwhile they are trying to seduce ed2k/eMule users to try it out.

Nowadays, MLDonkey still has a bad reputation among clients since it used to be aggressive back in the early days. MLDonkey is still the only client supporting MacOSX users and the only native client for MorphOS

Some MLDonkey design choices are quite different from eMule's, and are often misunderstood.

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