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~> xs


This command extends the search initiated by s command to eDonkey servers from the server list.

To perform an extended search, the client sends out UDP requests to servers other than the one(s) it is primarily connected to. These requests are handled by servers with lower priority than the normal TCP requests which come from the connected clients.

This command takes some time and generates produces numerous rather than quality results.

Only one extended search can be run at a time.


> s \"Bill Gates - Win 98 crash on live TV\"
Query 1 Sent to 5

> vr
Result of search 1
Reinitialising download selectors
2 results (1 waiting)
 [[ Num ]]     Size   Avail                       Names                                Tags                            MD4
[[     1]] 57624032     2 Bill Gates - Win 98 crash on live TV - EXTR...mpeg 1:00:01 128 1        urn:ed2k:4D70B5FD1ED1F73CA8A71167BD7C1C36
[[     2]]  5231324     3 Bill Gates - Win 98 crash on live TV - EXTR....mpg 0:29 y41p 1          urn:ed2k:D6426A3138D3952CCA0C49BAB9B64C62

> xs
extended search started

> vr
Result of search 1
Reinitialising download selectors
5 results (done)
 [[ Num ]]     Size   Avail                       Names                                Tags                            MD4
[[     1]] 57624032     2 Bill Gates - Win 98 crash on live TV - EXTR...mpeg 1:00:01 128 1        urn:ed2k:4D70B5FD1ED1F73CA8A71167BD7C1C36
[[     2]]  5231324     3 Bill Gates - Win 98 crash on live TV - EXTR....mpg 0:29 y41p 1          urn:ed2k:D6426A3138D3952CCA0C49BAB9B64C62
[[     3]]  5231324     1 Bill Gates - Win 98 crash on live TV.mpg           0:29 y41p 1                           urn:ed2k:EAFD996A305387A9308A21F283C7FC23
[[     4]]  2558989     1 comedy - bill gates - win 98 crash on live ...mpeg 0:29 y41p 1                           urn:ed2k:99374B3732EC81538ADB7B48D8528054
[[     5]]  2557956    19 Funny- Bill Gates - Win 98 crash on live TV...mpeg 0:29 y41p 112 29      250 mpeg Video  urn:ed2k:5634E0FAE4140DA96039ABD902DD5C47

See also

vr, s, vs, view_custom_queries

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