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MLDonkey features a simple internal command interpreter. Most interfaces to MLDonkey like telnet-, web-interface or GUIs "console tab", provide a way to enter commands. Being universal, they often convenient, and sometimes the only way to reach some of the most advanced features of MLDonkey.

There are many commands available in MLdonkey, some are not too well known. This page tries to explain the commands in more detail.


User Commands

auth <user> <password>: log in

useradd <user> <passwd> [<mail>] : add new mldonkey user/change user password

userdel <user> : remove a mldonkey user

users : print users

whoami : print logged-in user name

Group Commands

groupadd <group> <admin: true|false>

Server Commands

vm : list connected servers

vma : list all known servers

n <ip> [<port>] : add a server

server_banner <num> : print banner of connected server <num>

servers <filename> : add the servers from a server.met file

c [<num>] : connect to more servers (or to server <num>)

x <num> : disconnect from server

id : print ID on connected servers

preferred <true/false> <ip> : set the server with this IP as preferred

bs <ip1> [<ip2> ...] : add these IPs to the servers black list

bp <port1> [<port2> ...] : add these Ports to the port black list

rem <serv1> [<serv2> ...] : remove server (use arg 'all' for all servers)

remove_old_servers : remove servers that have not been connected for several days

Search Commands

s <query> : search for files on all networks (SpecialSearchArgs)

xs : extended search

vs : view all queries

vr <num> : view results of a search

view_custom_queries : view custom queries

forget <num1> [<num2> ...] : forget searches <num1> <num2> ...

Friends Commands

friends : display all friends

files <client num> : print files from friend <client num>

vfr : view friends

gfr <friend_num> : ask friend files

friend_add <client_num> : add client <client num> to friends

friend_remove <client_num> : remove friend (use arg 'all' for all friends)

message [<client num> <msg>] : send message to client

Download Commands

d <num> : file to download

dllink <link> : download ed2k, sig2dat, torrent or other linkdownload ed2k, sig2dat, torrent or other link

dllinks <file> : download all the links contained in the file

dd <size> <md4> : download from size and md4

http <url> <referer> : start downloading this URL

mirror <num> <url> <referer> : add URL as mirror for num

merge <file num1> <file num2> : try to swarm downloads from file <num2> (secondary) to file <num1> (primary)

force_download : force download of an already downloaded file

vd [<num>] : view file info

pause <num> : pause a download (use arg 'all' for all files)

resume <num> : resume a paused download (use arg 'all' for all files)

tracker <num> <url> [<url>...] :add URLs as trackers for <num>

cancel <num> : cancel download (use arg 'all' for all files)

priority <priority> <file num 1> [<file num 2> ...] : change file priorities

rename <num> "<new name>" : rename a file that is being downloaded

commit : move downloaded files to their incoming directories

startbt <URL|file> : start BT download

Upload Commands

compute_torrent <filename> <comment> : generates <filename>.torrent file for seeding

nu <m> : disable upload during <m> minutes (multiple of 5)

reshare : check shared files for removal

reshare_torrents : recheck torrents/* directories for changes

seeded_torrents : print all seeded .torrent files on this server

shares : displays shared directories

unshare <dirname> : remove a shared directory

Global Donkey Commands

version : print mldonkey version

q : close telnet

save <"options"|"sources"|"backup"> : save options and/or sources or backup (empty for options and sources)

kill : save and kill the server

! command : run shell commands remotely

close_fds : close all files (use to free space on disk after remove)

close_all_sockets : close all opened sockets

activity <minutes> : print activity in the last <minutes> minutes

Config Commands

alias : add an command alias for example: "alias ca cancel all" makes an alias "ca" performing "cancel all"

ansi <bool> : turn telnet interface ANSI sequences on or off

disable <num> : disable a particular network

enable <num> : enable a particular network

html_mods : toggle html_mods

html_mods_style : select html_mods_style <#>

html_theme <theme> : select html_theme

import <dirname> : import the config from dirname

port <port> : change ED2K-port

set <option_name> <option_value> : change option value

share <priority> <dir> [<strategy>] : share directory <dir> with <priority> [and sharing strategy <strategy>]

unalias : delete a command alias, example: "unalias ca"

urladd <kind> <url> : load this file from the web, kind is either server.met (if the downloaded file is a server.met)

urlremove <url> : remove URL from web_infos

vo : display basic options

voo [<regexp | num>]: print options all, matching regexp (e.g."ED2K*") or viewnummer(only web-interface)

options : print options values by section

reset_md4 : reset client_md4/client_private_key to random values

Overnet Commands

ov_boot <ip> <port> : add an Overnet peer

ov_boots : print boot peers

ov_dump_bucket <bucket_nr> : dumps a bucket

ov_dump_known_peers : dumps known_peers

ov_link <fhalink> : download fha:// link

ov_load <filename> : load the peers from a contact.dat file

ov_md4 : get client MD4 address on the Overnet/Kademlia network

ov_send_udp : send UDP message (<ip> <port> <msg in hex>)

ov_store : dump the Overnet File Store

ov_view_stats_cmds : Overnet Stats commands

ov_web <urls> : download .ocl URLS (no arg load default)

Kademlia Commands

kad_boot <ip> <port> : add an Kademlia peer

kad_dump_bucket <bucket_nr> : dumps a bucket

kad_dump_known_peers : dumps known_peers

kad_link <fhalink> : download fha:// link

kad_load <filename> : load the peers from a contact.dat file

kad_md4 : get client MD4 address on the Overnet/Kademlia network

kad_send_udp : send UDP message (<ip> <port> <msg in hex>)

kad_store : dump the Kademlia File Store

kad_view_stats_cmds : Kademlia Stats commands

kad_web <urls> : download .ocl URLs (no arg load default)

Recovery Commands

import_temp <temp_dir> : import eDonkey / eMule / lMule temp directory

scan_temp : print temp directory content

recover_bytes <file1> [< file2> ...] : try to recover these files at byte level

recover_temp : recover lost files from temp directory

verify_chunks <num> : verify chunks of file <num>

Stats Commands

block_list : display the list of blocked IP ranges that were hit

downloaders : display downloaders list

buildinfo : print mldonkey core build information

bw_stats : show bandwidth statistics

cs : show table of download/upload by ED2K clients brand

csbt : show table of download/upload by BT clients brand

csm show table of download/upload by eMule MODs

client_stats : show breakdown of download/upload by clients brand

client_stats_bt : show breakdown of download/upload by clients brand

diskinfo : print mldonkey disk information

gdstats : display graphical transfer statistics

kad_boots : print boot peers

kad_buckets : print buckets table status

kad_stats : Kademlia Stats

links : list links of shared files

ov_buckets : print buckets table status

ov_stats : Overnet Stats

runinfo : print mldonkey runtime information

sources : show sources currently known

sysinfo : print mldonkey core build, runtime and disk information

upstats : statistics on upload

reset_stats : reset session statistics

stats : display transfer statistics

torrents : print all .torrent files on this server

uploaders : show users currently uploading

uptime : core uptime

vu : view upload credits

portinfo : print mldonkey port usage information

Debug and Experimental Commands

Those commands may disappear or change without notification. Proceed with care ;)

block_test <ip> : check whether an IP is blocked

clear_debug : clear the table of clients being debugged

clear_log : clear log_file

close_log : stop sending core messages to a file

debug_client <client num1> [<client num2> ...] : log specific clients activity

debug_disk <disk> : debug command (example: disk .)

debug_file <client nums> : debug file state

debug_fileinfo : debug command (example: file .)

debug_rlimit : debug command

debug_socks : for debugging only

dump_heap : dump heap for debug

dump_reliability : dump the evaluated reliability of sources

log : dump current log state to console

log_file <file> : output core messages to a file

mem_stats : print memory stats

networks : print all networks

open_log : enable logging to file

tsources : list source buckets

test_recover <num> : print the segments downloaded in file

use_poll <bool> : use poll instead of select

update_sources : recompute order of connections to sources(experimental)

stdout <true|false> : reactivate log to stdout

Commands not yet classified

vc <num> : view client

add_url <kind> <url> : load this file from the web. kind is either server.met (if the downloaded file is a server.met)

bw_toggle : toggle between the two rate and opened connection sets

calendar_add <hour> "<command>" : add a command to be executed every day

vwi : print web_infos options

confirm <yes|no|what> : confirm cancellation

gdremove : remove graphical transfer statistics files

message_log : message_log [refresh delay in seconds]

preview <file number> : start previewer for file <file number>

reload_messages : reload messages file

rm_old_torrents : remove all old .torrent files

rss : print RSS feeds

vcal : print calendar

view_custom_queries : view custom queries

Old Commands

add_user, remove_user, add_url, commit_to, set_brothers


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