Isogeometric Analysis: Bezier Curves and Surfaces in Octave and TypeScript

While working on my sample IGA implementation here, I found myself in need of defining and implementing the math structures used to define the domain and the solution space. This means that I had to implement various algorithms to define structures like Bezier, B-spline, NURBS and T-spline. So this is a quick intro to Bezier curves and surfaces with a couple of implementations.
We can also define the curve in the 3D space. For example these control points:
It may also be interesting to see what happens to a curve when a new control point is added to the previous one:
Another example is provided for Bezier surfaces. From these control points:
The BezierSurf instead can be used to compute the surface example:
The TypeScript implementation is rendering the plots using Plotly. The demo embedded into this post can be found in this GitHub page.
Power Basis
A simple math structure to handle curves and surfaces is the power basis representation. Power basis representation uses polynomials, which are fast to compute and simple to handle. A $n^{th}$-degree power basis curve can be defined in the parametric space as:
\boldsymbol{C}\left(\xi\right) & = & \left(x\left(\xi\right),y\left(\xi\right),z\left(\xi\right)\right)\\
& = & \sum_{i=0}^{n}\boldsymbol{a}_{i}\xi^{i}\\
& = & \left(\left[\boldsymbol{a}_{i}\right]_{i=0}^{n}\right)^{T}\left[\xi^{i}\right]_{i=0}^{n},
where the functions $xi^{i}$ are the basis (or blending) functions. Using the tensor product scheme we can also define a power basis surface:
\boldsymbol{S}\left(\xi,\eta\right) & = & \left(x\left(\xi,\eta\right),y\left(\xi,\eta\right),z\left(\xi,\eta\right)\right)\\
& = & \sum_{i=0}^{n}\sum_{j=0}^{m}\boldsymbol{a}_{i,j}\xi^{i}\eta^{j}\\
& = & \left(\left[\xi^{i}\right]_{i=0}^{n}\right)^{T}\left[\boldsymbol{a}_{i,j}\right]_{i,j=0}^{i=n,j=m}\left[\eta^{j}\right]_{j=0}^{m}
$$\displaylines{\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
b\leq\xi\leq c\\
d\leq\eta\leq e
Bezier curves do not increase the space of curves representable by the power basis form, but introduce the concept of control point. Control points convey a clear geometrical meaning, which is very useful during the design process. So, a $n^{th}$-degree Bezier curve is defined as:
a\leq\xi\leq b}$$
where $\boldsymbol{P}_{i}$ represents the $i^{th}$ control point and:
is the $i^{th}$ basis function (also known as Bernstein polynomial). With the tensor product scheme, we can also define a Bezier surface with:
\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
a\leq\xi\leq b\\
c\leq\eta\leq d
Octave Implementation
In the repo, you can find a basic implementation of Bezier curves and surfaces written for Octave (and Matlab) in: The implementation is tested with a few examples. For example, given these control points:
we can get to this result by using the computeBezier.m script:

lead to this result:

this is what the algorithms produce: