mldonkey-next: added log stream and system info

In the latest version of the mldonkey-next application, I added two new features and some bug fixes. The latest tag in docker hub contains all these features and fixes.
Log stream
A new section was added containing a stream of the logs printed by the core to the log file. Logs are followed. The log file may get very large, so I decided not to show the entire history.

These logs are provided by a separate websocket connection. This connection requires a token to get the logs, for a minimal security. It is however simple to get the token, as it is provided to the webapp. If you want more security in your installation, do not expose the port.
The port to expose is TCP port 4003. You can also use the env variable MLDONKEY_DISABLE_LOGS_AUTH to enable or disable the token-bases authentication.
System Info
A new section was added to show system info. You can see the features compiled in the core, the version of the ocaml compiler and gcc compiler, the version of the dependencies, info about the system running the core etc…

Unfortunately, this feature requires an addition to the binary protocol in the mldonkey core, which is still not accepted upstream. You can therefore only use this feature if you use my mldonkey fork (or the docker image I provide).