Comfortable Logcat Output on Linux and Mac OS

Android’s logcat is really a brilliant tool for analysis and debugging. Unfortunately I really don’t like using it from Eclipse and using from the shell is not entirely comfortable, being it completely uniform. logcat-colorize is a great tool to colorize logcat output and make it really clear. Many thanks to the author! Unfortunately it was not working on Mac OS, so I forked and fixed; everything seems pretty OK: you can find the final fix in my fork at the moment.
How to Build
Follow the readme for building on Mac OS. The project depends on boost, so install it through macports and simply make. Assuming the boost libs are in system paths or default macports paths you should be good to go
Download the Binary
If you prefer, I also built a static version that you can download and use right away on Mac OS 10.9. This version does not require boost or macports to be installed.
nice blog.