Binaries for POT 5.4.0 on Qt 5.7.0 and Experimental Accelerated QtWebKit

So far, no real complains about POT 5.4.0-beta1 so I suppose it is sufficiently safe to consider it POT 5.4.0. Refer to this article for more info.

6 thoughts on “Binaries for POT 5.4.0 on Qt 5.7.0 and Experimental Accelerated QtWebKit”

  1. Oh I see what you're trying to do. No, you can't do that sorry. You are using WebKit2. I only implemented hw acceleration for WebKit1. If you want software decoded video you'll have to build QtWebKit from sources yourself.

  2. Sorry, how should i run qmlscene to pass additional args to qml?
    When i rewrite your code to
    import QtQuick 2.0
    import QtWebKit 3.0

    WebView {
    id: main
    url: ""

    —Removed onCompleted handler – Ive got the same issue. Audio is fine but video doesnt show up.
    In logs i have multiple warnings like this:
    13:50:40.809 WARN: Cannot get client.
    13:50:40.809 WARN: Cannot get client.
    13:50:40.810 WARN: Cannot get client.
    13:50:40.810 WARN: Cannot get client.
    13:50:40.810 WARN: Cannot get client.
    13:50:40.810 WARN: Cannot get client.

  3. Hi!
    I copied qtdeps and Qt-rasp2-5.7.0 to RPI, added these folders to ldconf and ran Qt-rasp2-5.7.0/bin/qmlscene with simple qml:

    import QtMultimedia 5.7
    import QtWebKit 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.2

    Item {
    WebView {
    anchors.fill: parent
    url: ""

    Browser is loading page, but when video starts to play, instead of the video i get black rect and in logs there are lot of spam appearing for each frame:
    10:53:46.031 WARN: Cannot get client.
    10:53:46.685 WARN: One frame couldn't be shown.
    10:53:46.724 WARN: Cannot get client.
    10:53:46.724 WARN: Cannot get client.

    What can be the issue? Rpi is on Jessie Lite.

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