The Utah Teapot in Rust with Bézier Surfaces

While writing my crate for Isogeometric Analysis, I found myself in need of testing the Bézier implementation somehow. I thought it would be fun, as usual, to test with the mythical Utah Teaopt. I found the original dataset here. Actually, the entire teaset is provided, so I could test with all the models.
Loading Data
I loaded data by guessing the original format, I hope I did it properly. Two arrays are defined: the second array contains a list of vertices expressed in the 3D space, the first array contains indices describing bicubic Bézier surfaces, referencing the second array, with the index starting from 1 in row major order. So I wrote a procedure in my crate to load this data.
Representation with Gnuplot
The result was very simple to draw with the existing crate:
use isogeometric_analysis::bezier::BezierTeapot; use isogeometric_analysis::core::RealRange; use isogeometric_analysis::core::Evaluator; let patches = BezierTeapot::build_patches(); for patch in patches { let r = RealRange { a: 0f64, b: 1f64 }; let (_xpoints, ypoints) = Evaluator::<2, 3, 100>::evaluate_parametric_range2d(&patch, &r, &r); }
The same can be done for the teaspoon and the teacup:
let patches = BezierTeacup::build_patches(); let patches = BezierTeaspoon::build_patches();
This is the result:

The plots were drawn using this crate with these commands:
cargo run -- --bezier-teapot cargo run -- --bezier-teacup cargo run -- --bezier-teaspoon
Have fun! Bye! 😉